May 22-24, 2024
National Laboratory Astana, Nazarbayev University, 53 Kabanbay Batyr Ave., Astana, Kazakhstan
Through this 3-day event participants will listen to talks by key researchers and technology developers in the field of single-cell analysis and have the opportunity to join wet lab practices on sample preparation, digital PCR, and single cell RNA library construction.
Participants will have the opportunity to network with leading experts and to present their results on the round table “Experience in Single-Cell Analysis”.
Each participant will receive a certificate.
The language is Russian and English.
Participation is free.
Key dates
Announcement of the list of participants
*Limited number of participants. Applications will be competitively selected. When applying, please indicate your preferred participation option.
Contacts us
The workshop program
Opening lecture and introduction to wet lab practices
Wet lab practices:
● Sample preparation: solutions from RWD Life Science + 10x Genomics single cell RNA library preparation
● Sample preparation: solutions from RWD Life Science + SeekGene single cell RNA library preparation
● Sample preparation: solutions from RWD Life Science + MobiDrop single cell RNA library preparation
● Sample preparation: solutions from Bio-Rad Digital Droplet PCR & ATILA Biosystems
Wet lab practices:
● 10x Genomics single cell RNA library preparation (continuation)
● SeekGene single cell RNA library preparation (continuation)
● MobiDrop single cell RNA library preparation (continuation)
● Bio-Rad Digital Droplet PCR & ATILA Biosystems (continuation)
Master-class on Oxford Nanopore DNA sequencing
The round table “Experience in Single-Cell Analysis”:
● Speaker presentations
● Partner presentations
Partner exhibition
Seminar “Life science, animal health, and pathology: solutions from RWD Life Science”
Cancer Research Institute, Tomsk NRMC
Research Institute of Medical Genetics, Tomsk NRMC
Cancer Research Institute, Tomsk NRMC; RUDN University
The Wellcome Sanger Institute
Cancer Research Institute, Tomsk NRMC; RUDN University
Dmitry Rogachev NMRC; RUDN University
Cancer Research Institute, Tomsk NRMC; Tomsk State University
Cancer Research Institute,
Tomsk NRMC;
RUDN University
Cancer Research Institute, Tomsk NRMC
National Laboratory Astana, Nazarbayev University
National Laboratory Astana, Nazarbayev University
Cancer Research Institute, Tomsk NRMC; RUDN University
Cancer Research Institute,
Tomsk NRMC;
RUDN University
Organising Committee
National Laboratory Astana, Nazarbayev University
Cancer Research Institute, Tomsk NRMC; RUDN University
Cancer Research Institute, Tomsk NRMC; RUDN University
Cancer Research Institute, Tomsk NRMC; RUDN University
Cancer Research Institute, Tomsk NRMC
Research Institute, Tomsk NRMC; Siberian State Medical University
University Medical Center
School of Medicine, National Laboratory Astana, Nazarbayev University
Cancer Research Institute, Tomsk NRMC
Cancer Research Institute, Tomsk NRMC
Research Institute of Medical Genetics, Tomsk NRMC